Thursday, January 25, 2007

Canadian Drug Prices

Let me start by saying how much I am against bring in foreign labor into the USA to do jobs that companies can find skilled qualified labor for here in the USA at a good price point but wont use do to a 50% cut in labor cost.

That being said I was told about Canadian on-line pharmacies this week.
Now the above all taken into account the more reading I did the more I thought of getting generic Kepra and saving $$$ off of the monthly bill.

My question is: Is it worth it? Is Generic worth it? is $100 per month worth it?

I ask becaus I seriously do not know, i am not sure the ramifications of going generic and I can find little if no research inregards to generic Kepra.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Backing the fight with more then words

Ever since Hannah has been diagnosed with this curable disease I have been trying to learn and to understand it, today I am announcing my intentions to match dollar for dollar any donations from family and friends along with my own personal starters check to the fight. At the end of 2007 I & Hannah will hand over a check to the epilepsy center in Hannah's name.

Please join us in helping to learn more and to cure Epilepsy.

Thank you,

Thursday, January 4, 2007

A search for understanding

I went to a site this week,
I was very impressed and had a feeling of finally someone knows what I am personally going through with my daughter!

It was unique as I kind of like the ladies band as well. she seems to be a very straight forward woman who has a story to tell and we need to tell the stories we see every day with our loved ones. I look at Hannah everyday and hope and pray that she will be a normal little girl with everything she dreams about being in her reach.

Understanding Epilepsy The first step to ending fear and stigma is to learn more about epilepsy and seizures. Learning seizure first aid could help you help a friend. I know Hannah's are VERY mild but she has MANY going on all at the same time one right after another, but what is weird is they will grow and she zones out and then we know.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

A long night

Does it ever seem that when they tell you the medication your child is taking is going to actually make them this, or that, well Kepra is supposed to make them more focused on school work etc. Hannah was a very strong student now she never wants to do her work is more likely to be in front of a TV rather then doing the school work she used to love.

Maybe it is me, maybe it is me seeing something that is not there. But do you see changes in your children as well?